Friday, April 5, 2019

The Mueller Report--NOT a High Bar

I’m prepared to accept Robert Mueller’s conclusion that President Trump—and his campaign—did not conspire (collude) with Russia. I’m not sure how he arrived at that conclusion, but that just means we all need to see the Mueller Report for ourselves.

That conclusion, however, is not a high bar. Think about it. He’s saying that the president of the United States did not commit treason, conspiring with a foreign adversary to alter the results of the U.S. election. OK, he’s not a traitor.

At least on that count.

That, however, does not mean that he’s a good president. Nor even a good person. He still demonizes migrants trying to find a better life for their children; he has called white supremacists “many fine people”. That includes a group in Charlottesville shouting “Jews will not replace us.” And the Democrats are the anti-Semitic ones?

Trump’s very first Executive Order rescinded one from Obama that forbade coal companies from dumping their sludge in a community’s water source. How do the people in Flint, Michigan feel about something like that? How do you? His reason? Apparently, he thought it focused too much on coal companies. But remember, banks don’t have much sludge to dump.

His latest tact is to try to get the courts to rescind Obamacare completely, denying health insurance (and thus health care) to as many as 26 million people.

President Trump may not be a traitor, but that’s about the best one can say about him.

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