Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Hate...In the Name of Jesus

The State Senate of Texas recently passed SB #17. It allows professionals licensed by the state to refuse service to anyone based on a "sincerely held religious belief."  This licensing includes, of course, doctors. In short, these so called "leaders" are using the banner of religious freedom as the basis to discriminate against anyone they don't like. And even worse, they're doing it in the name of the love of Christ.

The legislation has an exception for life or death situations and does not apply to the police.

The legislation is the brainchild of Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, a Republican.
"Senate Bill 17 will ensure that anyone can practice their profession in Texas without being forced to compromise their religious faith," said a spokesperson for the Lt. Governor.

The hate bill is apparently one of Patrick’s priorities. He has spent the the past few years rallying Christians in the state for a bill that would have forced transgender people to use the bathroom associated with the sex on their birth certificate.

The Licensing bill is overtly aimed at gays, and it could make it very difficult for the LGBTQ community in Texas to get health care, especially in rural areas. 
What, though, about doctors' Hipppcratic oath? "First do no harm (primum non nocere)." Do they not care anything about the oaths they've taken?

It's one thing to deny us a cake for our weddings but quite another to deny health care. "Don't kill them, just let them die." 

This extreme, non-Christian thinking is becoming the American "Sharia Law."  We must separate the idea of religious freedom from this fringe group of extremists. Franklin Graham and Jerry Falwell--and their merry band--are not Christian at all. They're haters. 

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