Wednesday, April 10, 2019

High School Reunion...Mixed Feelings

Recently, I attended my 50th year high school class reunion, and I’m glad I did! I had a wonderful time. I must admit, though, I had not planned on attending, Mostly, I think, because I had forgotten how important the Latin School Of Indianapolis had been in my life. It gave me so much, not in terms of a specific career or anything like that, but instead it pointed me in the right direction.

*A respect for learning/education
*A respect for reading
*A desire to be in some sense of man of God

But still the overwhelming emotion that I associate with that time (and quite some time afterwards) was a sense of being alone. Not loneliness—for I played sports, had plenty of friends and did well enough academically. No, it was the personal demon of internalized homophobia. I spent way too much time in my life coming to grips with the fact that I am gay and it started, most definitely, during those high school years.

Still they were some of the best years of my life, and I’ll always member them fondly. I’m grateful for them and the people I learned to love, in my own way, and what they gave to me.


  1. David - So glad you came to the reunion as well. It was good to see a St. Phillips/Latin School buddy. And even happier that you shared this blog! I'm amazed how our perceptions of how others are doing can be so different from their own experience. Hope we can connect next time I'm in the DC area. Charlie Stoops

    1. Charlie, so good to see you too. You're right--good to see a St. Phillips' pal. Do let me know if you get into DC.
