Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Gates of Hell Have Opened!

Sometimes, I feel as if the doors of Hell itself have opened, and Donald Trump somehow managed to escape. He lies. He spreads hate and sows discord, sometimes just for the sake of doing so. He cares nothing really about the country, about the future, only himself. 

But where is the church in decrying all of this? Where are the moral authorities asking us to see him as he really is? The Evangelicals? No, they’re like the Pharisees that stood and accused Christ. They’ve sold their souls for a Supreme Court nominee. Is it worth it? Is anything? 

Pope Francis has made a few stumbling attempts to point out the error of Trump’s ways, but they’ve been few and far between. I’m reminded of the song "American Pie," 

"…the church bells all were broken."

This man and his political party have become a cult of evil. We must stand up and fight. Not just for the White House and a new administration but for the very soul of our country. 

The future, as always, is in our hands.

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