Saturday, May 4, 2019

OK, I Admit It

OK, I admit it. I’m an emotional man. I cry at movies, eye witness accounts of tragedies, and cat videos. For instance, I cry every time I see the proposal scene in “Crazy Rich Asians”.  “Wherever in the world you are, that’s where I belong.”

I also cry at the scenes in “Love, Simon” where his parents tell him they still love him. His dad tells him, “I thought we could sign up for Grindr together.” “You don’t know what Grindr is, do you?”

No, he doesn’t.

I also cry when I see Mayor Pete and his husband express affection for each other on the campaign trail. I had such a hard time coming out that it does my heart good to see such a talented, smart gay man vie openly for the presidency. He’s completely unashamed of who and what he is, believing he is the way God made him.                            

I know it wasn’t easy for him to finally come out. In fact, it took deploying to a war zone before he took stock of his life (and quite possible death) and admit openly he was gay. As he said, he wanted to date.

I have no illusions that the LGBTQ community is universally accepted. Just look at  all the things Texas has done to our community, all in the name of their so-called Christianity. Still, Pete’s campaign is a step in the right direction.

And for that I’m grateful, even though it still makes me cry. 

Friday, May 3, 2019

Paths Across the Woods at Night

Paths across a woods at night
Lead me on through wrong and right.
I start on one, sensing light,
But find instead the dregs of night.

A tree provides my only rest,
Like a friend who hugs me to her breast.
And through the dark I hear the sounds
Of night and love in all around.

And gathering strength once again,
I start a path without an end.